Covid and the Microbiome


COVID-19, what a nightmare that didn’t have to happen. I don’t want to get into government corruption, stupidity and lies, but instead do my best to educate you. It’s up to you to apply my knowledge or not. 

Like influenza, tuberculosis, recurrent respiratory tract infections and community-acquired pneumonia, COVID-19 drives significant change for the worse in your microbiome. The exact mechanisms are not completely known, but for COVID, it is at least in part a function of its binding to the ACE2 receptor, which inhibits the production of antimicrobial peptides. So what does that mean? These peptides are one way in which your GI tract keeps the bad actors in check. These bad actors, or opportunistic pathogens, are omnipresent in all of our guts. And when circumstances allow, they become opportunistic, as the name implies. They can do this in response to antibiotic use, a poor diet, PPI use and in response to a COVID infection. 

I’ll bet that there are many people out there whose lives have been changed for the worse since one or more COVID infections. We have come to call this, “long COVID.” But there are many who don’t believe that long COVID exists. As if you’re making up your symptoms. The arrogance of others, including in the medical community. When something can’t be explained, they imply that it’s in your head.  

I’m here to explain it, and tell you that, it is in fact in your head, and in your gut and potentially in many parts of your body. I’ve done a complete meta-analysis of all of the published human fecal microbiome studies on COVID vs health controls, COVID severity and long COVID. I have plenty of data to show you that there are significant changes for the worse in the post-COVID infection gut.  

How do I know this? Because it’s been my job to know this. I am after all the microbiome expert. There are names of amazing health-promoting bacteria, names you’ve never heard of before, who are consistently significantly reduced in a COVID infection. They are also reduced more so in severe COVID as compared to less severe COVID. They are also reduced up to one year post-COVID in those who still suffer new symptoms after clearing a COVID infection. 

These bacteria have names like Coprococcus, Ruminococcus, Roseburia and Faecalibacterium. These are some of the most crucial health-promotors in your microbiome, who are consistently significantly reduced from COVID. On the flipside, there are consistent significant increases in opportunistic pathogens. These are probably also names you’ve never heard of before. Species from the genera Enterococcus and Streptococcus take advantage of a situation which favors them, hence the name opportunistic.  

More than understanding the good actors from the bad, we need to take things a step further. How does one rectify this broken situation? How do we go about increasing the good guys, to address your new diagnosis of depression, anxiety, diarrhea or autoimmune disease post COVID. You need the guidance from someone who truly understands the microbiome. And the solution has nothing to do with probiotics. 

In our world as it is, we all now have to be our own health advocates. With a broken government, food and medical system, you need to take charge of your healthcare. So, educate yourself, as best you can. This is why I’ve launched my educational platform. For you. You can find my presentation entitled, “COVID and the Microbiome” in my Microbiome University tab, and also on my YouTube channel. If you think your health would be well served by addressing your microbiome, you can visit the Protocols tab on my website, and for the mere price of a cup of coffee, you can find a science-based COVID protocol which may dramatically improve your quality of life.  


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