SIBO – A More Intelligent Way to View and Tackle Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

I launched my microbiome educational platform four months ago, and things are really starting to pick up. My most popular protocol has been for SIBO. Apparently, there are many people who have been told that they have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. But this is not a stand-alone condition. In fact, I don’t think I can […]
C-diff “infection” – costly for hospitals, deadly for patients

C-diff infections. They conjure up fear, as they should, but as you will come to learn in my video presentation, the term “infection” is a misnomer here. What we’re really talking about is an extreme case of dysbiosis. That’s right. And I have plenty of proof to back up this statement. Now this presentation isn’t […]
The Power of the Microbiome – Fecal Microbiota Transfer

FMT – fecal microbiota transfer/transplant. As the name implies, a portion of the feces from one person, the donor, is being transplanted into a recipient in poor health. You’re probably thinking, first after gross, why in the world would someone do that? What’s the point? Great question. FMT is a highly effective treatment. And it […]
The Ketogenic Diet – Supporting it with Prebiotics

The ketogenic diet has become pretty popular, and for the right person, it may be a great idea in the short or long term. This presentation is not here to extoll the benefits of this diet. My assumption is that you are already on it, or contemplating doing it. That is your decision. My goal […]
Dementia and the Microbiome

I start off my presentation on dementia with two powerful case studies. They are both elderly patients with dementia, who underwent a fecal microbiota transfer (FMT) due to C-diff infections. In both cases, not only did their C-diff resolve, which is the case about 90% of the time with FMT, but their dementia symptoms reversed. […]
Inulin and the Microbiome

The food you eat is usually just thought of as protein, carbohydrates and fats. But the reality is, that it’s much more complicated than that. The fats alone have a variety of different forms and end results. There are phytochemicals (plant compounds) found in whole foods, which can have a myriad of beneficial effects on […]
Lactobacillus: A dumb idea in those who are dysbiotic.

I must be some crazy nut writing this from my parents’ basement. Everyone else is on board the probiotics and fermented food train. What the hell am I talking about? Well, read this blog, and better yet, watch my presentation. If you´ve been trying various probiotics for years, and still struggle with your health, pay […]
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii: The Unsung Superhero of the Gut

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Yes, I know, that´s a mouthful. Well, this bacterium literally is the superhero of the gut, with a better data profile than any other critter down there. You may say, wait a second. I take probiotics. I thought one of the species from Bifidobacterium or Lactobacillus would be the superhero. Not even close. […]
Antibiotics and the Microbiome: A Double-Edged Sword

Antibiotics are both crucially important and at the same time, a threat to our individual and collective morbidity, mortality and future. The drugs that we just throw down our throats like candy, have severe repercussions. Sure, they are lifesaving at times. But our virtual neurotic use of them is leading us down a couple of […]
Akkermansia muciniphila and the Microbiome

Now that there´s a supplement in the marketplace containing Akkermansia muciniphila, this very interesting bacterium is starting to get some attention. Although it offers up promise, you should also be aware of all of the information, so that you are able to make the best healthcare decisions for yourself, or a loved one. First, what […]