This section is for those who simply want the protocols for their health concern, without having to be a member of the Microbiome University. My Microbiome University provides a tremendous amount of novel information, however it’s not for everyone. Simply select the health concern that is most appropriate for you, pay, download the PDF and follow the instructions. The instructions are thorough, but should you have any questions, you’re welcome to schedule an appointment with me.
These protocols are not designed to treat or cure any disease. They are based upon complete meta-analyses of the human fecal microbiome data for each listed condition or health concern. Each individual meta-analysis yields an average microbial fingerprint. When matching up each fingerprint with a complete meta-analysis of all human in-vivo and humanized in-vitro prebiotic data, the goal is to support the reduced taxa which I’ve identified as being health-promoting over many years of research.
My number one priority is patient success. I’m fully committed to doing what is in the best interest of the people I help. My regimens are fully data based, and I have a long history of success.