Getting Started in life with an Optimal Microbiome

In all of my interactions in helping people, whether it´s with an individual directly, a patient of another practitioner or a subject in a trial, they are always adults. I can make tremendous progress in people, and I have the testimonials to show it. Just visit that tab in my website.  

I’m always doing the best with what I can, that is the dysbiotic gut of these suffering people. There are many powerful factors which determine the health of one´s microbiome. They include diet, antibiotic use, PPI use and stress. But what I can’t do is go back in time to when they were born, as an infant and as a child. So I created a free educational presentation on the factors that determine the microbiome of our children. Hopefully with this information, some of you can make more informed decisions when it comes to the future of your baby. 

In the presentation, I first touch on the microbiome of the vagina. There are differences among women in this regard, and these differences impact the health of the vagina. This is relevant to the baby, because during delivery, the infant is inoculated by the vaginal microbiome. If delivery is by C-section, then data shows that this inoculation come from hospital room and skin bacteria, clearly not ideal, and potentially setting up future health issues. I spend time in the second section of the presentation discussing these issues. 

Lastly, we dive into then benefits of exclusive breast-feeding. I explain in detail why this is so beneficial and as always, show you plenty of studies to back up my assertations. The great news is that if your baby was born by C-section, then breast-feeding can help turn things around in the right direction.  

There´s nothing more important than the health of our children. As a father of two, it was a constant battle between the army of unhealthy influences in their lives, to be able to nourish them to the best of my ability. You’re going to have to battle garbage food and excessive antibiotic use, the two most important drivers of the microbiome. In the US, and in other parts of the world, the levels of childhood obesity, autism, anxiety/depression and a number of other conditions are skyrocketing. These are not genetic issues, they are generally environmental. There are multiple factors, and the microbiome plays a large role. I have presentations on all of these topics and many more. 

In our world as it is, we all now have to be our own health advocates. With a broken government, food and medical system, you need to take charge of your healthcare. So, educate yourself, as best you can. This is why I’ve launched my educational platform. For you. You can find my presentation entitled, “Getting Started in Life with an Optimal Microbiome” in my Microbiome University tab, and also on my YouTube channel. If you have a condition or disease that you think would be well served by addressing your microbiome, you can visit the Protocols tab on my website, and for the mere price of a cup of coffee, you can find a science-based protocol which may dramatically improve your quality of life and that of your child.  

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