Understanding Microbiome Tests and Reports

The field of the microbiome, and its proven impact on our health is fascinating. We have a whole other foreign ecosystem inside of us, and the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. It’s such a new field, that there are only a handful of people at the tip of its spear. Some of those people offer at-home microbiome testing services. And as more and more of the public and medical institutions learn about the power of the microbiome, it becomes more popular. You yourself may have already used one of these kits, or perhaps you are thinking about it. Which one should you choose? Is it even beneficial? Can anyone truly translate the report for you?
Probiotics – Don’t waste your time or your money

Stop wasting your time and money on probiotics! There’s a more intelligent way to support your microbiome.
There are various products in the marketplace which contain “probiotics”. Drinks, foods like yogurt and of course dietary supplements. Many millions of people follow the uninformed heard, consuming these products in the hopes of addressing rampant gastrointestinal issues. But have they been helping you?
Low FODMAPs is NOT a great long-term solution

Perhaps you’re considering following the low FODMAPs diet. Or maybe you’re on it right now. Even still, you could be a practitioner recommending this diet, usually to people with IBS and/or SIBO. If so, you need to read this blog and watch my free video on this topic, found on my YouTube channel or here on my website in the Microbiome University tab.
What is the Microbiome?

Perhaps you are new to the term, “The microbiome.” If so, I’m here to help. As THE microbiome expert, I’ve been at the tip of the spear in this industry for years. As the head of medical education for a microbiome firm, and now with my own platform, I’m here to educate you on what exactly this term means and how properly caring for it can improve your health.