Beta Glucan and the Microbiome: Debunking Myths & Understanding Their Role in Your Diet

My videos on prebiotics seem to be among my most popular. With that said welcome to this blog on beta glucan. I recommend beta glucan sparingly, because the dosing to microbial impact is inferior to a number of other prebiotics. However, it is very well suited to specific goals and should be a part of […]
Liver disease and the microbiome: NAFLD and NASH

In my video on liver health, I take you through detailed explanations of what’s going on, primarily in the context of NAFLD and NASH. This video is applicable to so many people, of all ages. When you think of the liver, you probably think about it as the filter of the body – removing toxic […]
The Beneficial Prebiotic – Arabinoxylan

The food you eat is usually just thought of as protein, carbohydrates and fats. But the reality is, that it’s much more complicated than that. The fats alone have a variety of different forms and end results. There are phytochemicals (plant compounds) found in whole foods, which can have a myriad of beneficial effects on […]
Autoimmune Disease and the Microbiome

There are a number of autoimmune diseases, and they are becoming more prevalent in so-called advanced and advancing economies. Is that a coincidence? No, it’s not. You may think what does rheumatoid arthritis, hashimotos disease, type one diabetes and multiple sclerosis have in common? Well, as it turns out, they have a lot in common. […]
Opportunistic Pathogens and the microbiome

You have two choices. You can choose to live in harmony with the foreign ecosystem inside of you, providing an environment which supports a certain array of bacteria which can and will promote your health, or you can create an environment in which the bad actors, aka the opportunistic pathogens, thrive. In this environment, they […]
Type 2 Diabetes/Obesity and the Microbiome

I’ve lumped these two conditions, type 2 diabetes (T2D) and obesity together in this presentation, as they are so tightly linked. As I always say, “it’s all connected”. The International Diabetes Federation has estimated that type 2 diabetes currently affects over 463 million people in the world. And in the US, in adults, the rate […]
Emotional Stress and its Effects on the Microbiome

We all experience emotional stress at some point, if not many times, in our lives. And chronic stress is worse. We also know there is a connection between stress and our health, but how is that? Well, as THE Microbiome Expert, I have a one-track mind, and so I’ll give you the perspective from the […]
Crohn’s Disease and the Microbiome

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease almost 25 years ago, (almost 30 since first symptoms) and because of that, combined with my background, you’ll be exposed to information you’ve never seen before. It is this experience that makes me so passionate about what I do. I was once in your shoes. One gastroenterologist told me […]
Ulcerative Colitis – The Mucus/Microbiota Interaction is the Key

Ulcerative colitis is one of two terrible diseases which make up what’s called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Like with so many conditions, there is a genetic component which sheds light on the disease, but does not explain the rates of occurrence and growth, as the genes only explain about 16% of UC cases. Again, lifestyle […]
Anxiety and Depression – The Gut-Brain Connection

In my new presentation entitled, “Anxiety and Depression – The Gut-Brain Connection,” as usual I touch on the microbial fingerprint of these two conditions. As expected, we see the same suspects. Health-promoting bacteria are significantly reduced in the microbiomes of those with anxiety and depression as compared to healthy controls. And of course, on the […]